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kensi blye real name

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Elle finit par apprendre que Granger connaissait très bien son père et qu'il avait son journal intime qu'il lui remet à la fin de l'enquête. She is fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French. [2] Quand elle était basée à Norfolk, elle fut un agent embarquée sur les navires de la Navy. In the episode "The Job", while undercover, she had to flirt with a good-looking thief. L'agent spécial Kensi Blye Deeks est un personnage fictif de la série NCIS : Los Angeles, incarné par Daniela Ruah. L'agent spécial Kensi Blye Deeks est un personnage fictif de la série NCIS : Los Angeles, incarné par Daniela Ruah. Elle veut s'en sortir pour pouvoir la mériter. As Kensi waits for Deeks later on, though, Hetty tells her she has been reassigned to a new and classified mission and will have to leave until the job is finished, much to her disappointment. Ils essayent à partir de l'épisode 10 de la saison 11 d'avoir un enfant ("mini ninja") ensembles. D'un accord mutuel, Kensi et Deeks préfèrent mettre de côté leur relation pour que Kensi puisse se remettre de sa mission. Kensi est envoyée en Afghanistan pour traquer et abattre le Fantôme blanc. In the first episode, Kensi gets injured because the team was involved in a helicopter crash. Nous apprenons également que Donald Blye connaissait Owen Granger lorsqu'il tente de prévenir le journaliste pour qu'il se réfugie à Washington et qu'il tente de prendre contact avec Granger. For the first half of the season, Kensi is out of action in hospital, recovering and doing therapy following her accident. La relation entre Kensi et Callen ressemble à une relation entre un frère et une sœur. Deeks n'est pas un agent du NCIS mais un lieutenant de la police de Los Angeles et sert d'agent de liaison entre les deux services. Elle est la co-équipière et épouse de Marty Deeks. Ce dernier est venu à Los Angeles afin qu'enquêter sur Kensi et sur les décès suspects des membres de l'équipe de Donald. Elle connaît le morse[4]. Clairmont l'a assassiné afin qu'il ne parle pas. Elle est apparemment une mauvaise conductrice. Cette derrière veut savoir ce que Deeks ressent vraiment pour elle et il finit par l'embrasser et ils quittent le restaurant ensemble. 9 ans plus tard, elle le revoit en Afghanistan alors qu'elle traque "White Ghost" afin de l'abattre. Il va également lui parler de la bague de fiançailles. Deeks is also a flirter and he has demonstrated some interest in Kensi on a personal level. Kensi entretient des relations très amicales avec l'équipe. Suite à son accident lors de la mission au Moyen-Orient, elle reste dans le coma quelques semaines. Kensi tried to be there for him (stating that she helped with his medication, and even went to his psychiatric appointments), but all of her efforts weren't enough since Jack was too affected. In the same episode, Kensi and Deeks are also briefly separated and must work with Callen and Sam respectively, but later discover the reason being that Deeks is under investigation by the LAPD who will try and use their relationship against them. It was subsequently revealed that after her father's murder, she spent almost a year living on the streets. It had been a cold case for many years, but in the episode "Blye, K., Part 2" it was finally solved and Kensi was able to move on with her life at last. Après trois tentatives de la part de Deeks, c'est finalement Kensi qui va faire sa proposition dans Déchaîné. [6] A partir de ce moment-là, leur mariage est planifié et a lieu en présence de leurs familles et amis.[7]. Kensi Marie Blye is an NCIS Special Agent assigned to the Office of Special Projects in Los Angeles. Daniela was born in Boston, Massachusetts, to Portuguese-born parents, Katharina Lia Azancot Korn and Moisés Carlos Bentes Ruah, a doctor. Shortly after the events from the season nine finale, Kensi and the team are revealed to have survived the impact from the rocket that hit their SUV. Son père, Donald Blye était un sniper chez les Marine's et sa mère, Julia Feldman, était femme au foyer. In "The Only Easy Day", Kensi says that when she was the new girl, she had to climb through air ducts because she was the smallest, and also had to wear bikinis on assignment when needed. Pour voir toutes les références, déroulez le menu d'en-bas. Son arme est un SIG, l'arme utilisée par les agents du NCIS. In the episode "Borderline" she also stated that her father taught her how to "track, shoot, fix an engine, play poker, wire a house; basically anything you teach a son",[2] and that her father was her best friend. Ils finissent par emménager ensemble chez Deeks dans Coups et blessures. Later Kensi goes to talk to Deeks and he asks her if she is good. [3] She collects gel bracelets and is known to have at least seventy-two. After that she was stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia from March 2008 to June 2009. Cette révélation la conduira à renouer les liens avec sa mère, Julia Feldman, 15 ans après avoir cessé de lui parler[3]. Mais Kensi refusera de rester avec sa mère et vivra avec son père jusqu'à son décès. Kensi découvre que son père n'était pas un sniper mais qu'il faisait parti d'une unité clandestine spécialisée dans les extraditions irrégulières. Elle était basée à Norfolk de mars 2008 à juin 2009 avant d'intégrer les bureaux de l'OSP en juin 2009. By the end of the premiere, Kensi and Deeks finally reconcile from their previous fight from the season nine finale, getting back together and resuming their engagement. When Deeks does not take a most-needed shot, Kensi becomes agitated and tells Deeks she is standing on a "frozen lake" and that while she wants what they have more than anything else, it just won't work. Like G. Callen, Sam Hanna, Eric Beale and Nate Getz, Kensi was first introduced in the backdoor pilot "Legend" from NCIS. Kensi wishes to go to Mexico, but Deeks has concerns and does not believe it is a good idea. Elle n'est pas douée en cuisine et n'a pas la main verte. Mosley and the team learn they are located in Mexico, but the mission to rescue her son is unsanctioned and highly dangerous, putting the team's lives at risk. Deeks mentions it early on in season three and she is found listening to it while undercover in episode 22 of season three, "Neighborhood Watch". Mais Deeks est torturé par les hommes de Siderov et il en veut à Kensi de ne pas l'avoir détacher lorsqu'elle et Granger les ont retrouvé. This is a direct parallel to what Deeks went through at the beginning of season five. According to the form, her first posting was the Washington DC Office, December 2006 to September 2007, then Tokyo 7th Fleet HQ from October 2007 to March 2008. Elle a intégré les rangs du NCIS en 2006. By the end of the season, Deeks and Kensi finally begin to confront their true feelings for each other and share their first real kiss. This event appears to have scarred her emotionally, although she has never gone into details as to the events that took place while on the streets. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Kensi also made a guest appearance in the Hawaii Five-0 episode "Ka Hakaka Maika'i" where she announced that she has Level 5 security clearance. Mais elle peut combattre cette peur s'il le faut. Over time it becomes obvious that Kensi is developing feelings for Deeks, though she often hides them. Elle savait qu'elle ne le tuerait pas. Kensi has been officially partnered with Marty Deeks since season two, although their first experience working together was in the season one episode "Fame". Ses parents ont décidé de divorcer alors qu'elle était petite car Julia ne supportait pas le travail de son mari. She first appeared in the NCIS season six episode "Legend (Part I)". En revenant aux États-Unis, il souffrait du syndrome post-traumatique. Kensi reunites with Turk and together they stand guard and get ready for a fight from Spencer Williams men who are still hunting the team. Though they both say everything is fine between them, they both seem to be lying and are obviously not fine. In the episode "Recovery", it is implied that Kensi and Deeks have become intimate after he told her he wanted to be with her at his apartment and she stared at him before walking off, with him following right behind her. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Leur relation devient de plus en plus ambigüe au fur et à mesure des saisons. Deeks showed jealousy, as noted by Callen and Sam. However, Kensi remains unaware of the events regarding Anatoli Kirkin and while the rest of the team deals with the situation, Kensi is busy getting ready along with her friends and mother until Anatoli reveals himself to her. Ils ont leur premier rendez-vous galant dans Un esprit sain... où Deeks l'emmène dans un chic restaurant alors que Kensi pensait qu'ils allaient manger des tacos. Her father's family is Sephardi Jewish, while her mother is of mostly Ashkenazi Jewish, … While Deeks is recovering, Kensi states that she attempted to bring him his favorite doughnut/croissant (a.k.a. They attempt to keep their relationship secret until the events of episode 18 "Fighting Shadows" when the team reveal their awareness of their newfound romantic relationship. She has admitted to having Chaetophobia (fear of hair), specifically fear of men's back hair. À son réveil, elle comprend qu'il n'est pas certain qu'elle puisse remarcher un jour ou se servir de sa main gauche. Elle est légèrement claustrophobe. C'est Kensi qui va faire le premier pas à Noël. Kensi joined the Naval Criminal Investigative Service in August 2003, according to her NCIS agent biography form from "Black Market" after having graduated from Cornell University with a BA in Politics and International Studies. C'est pour cela qu'Hetty a envoyé Kensi. Elle est alors mise en détention comme suspect principal, étant la dernière personne à avoir contacté la victime. Kensi and Deeks continue to plan their wedding throughout the season and later open up their bar. Elle est la co-équipière et épouse de Marty Deeks. Il s'est fait assassiné par Peter Clairmont car ce dernier a assassiné Brad Stevens, un journaliste qui souhaitait le dénoncer. Alors que sa mère l'a pris avec elle, Kensi a fugué et est retournée auprès de son père, refusant de revoir sa mère. She started at OSP in Los Angeles in June 2009. (The Afghanistan storyline was actually not originally part of the plan for season 5, but added to keep Blye on the show despite actress Ruah's pregnancy.)[5]. Ils se protègent l'un et l'autre et ils savent qu'ils peuvent compter sur l'autre. Elle a également perdu son fiancé, disparu après son retour de mission d'Afghanistan[2], victime d'un trouble de stress post-traumatique. In episode 15, she is taken to a house where the man threatens to cut off her leg but Deeks saves her. Par la suite, elle va lui faire confiance et même l'apprécier. Il a demandé de l'aide à Hetty qui est une de ses amies. C'était également lui qui autorisait toutes ses recherches sur le décès de Donald Blye. However, following their night together in the episode "Frozen Lake", things become awkward and full of tension when their entangled emotions begin to have an effect on their performance during field work. Despite being fired as well as the current state of their relationship, Deeks still joins the team on the Mexico mission to save Mosley's son. Learn how and when to remove these template messages, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "NCIS: Los Angeles Boss: Daniela Ruah's Pregnancy Gave Birth to a 'Great Arc' for Kensi",, Fictional Naval Criminal Investigative Service personnel, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from April 2016, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Articles lacking reliable references from April 2016, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 October 2020, at 18:18.

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